Table of contents
Internet diode indicator on your Home Center is off and you don’t know what to do to fix that problem? Here are two possible solutions to your problem.
- FIBARO Home Center Lite/2,
- PC or Mac with the network connection.
Step-by-step guide
Physical change
Press and hold the “+” button on the Home Center casing:
- If diode on the Home Center is flashing fast, it means that static IP is set ( by default).
- If diode on the Home Center is flashing slowly, it means that dynamic IP (DHCP) is set.
Online change
- Log in to your Home Center.
- Go to the Configuration tab.
- Choose LAN Settings from the left sidebar.
- Check your IP address, enter it to your Internet browser.
- It will open your router site. Log in to your router.
- Look for DHCP Settings and find Address Reservation setting. Add a new address reservation by entering MAC Address of your Home Center. You can find it in Configuration tab -> General. Use dash as a separator. Enter reserved IP Address. You should assign a free IP address compatible with your router subnets.
- Perform the restart of the router and wait about two minutes until the router starts again.
- Refresh the website.
- Go to the DHCP Settings and find Address Reservation again
- Go to the Home Center -> Configuration tab -> LAN Settings and change the connection type to static IP and enter the IP address added on the router.
- Save changes by clicking floppy disc icon on the right sidebar.
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Jak zmienić adres IP Home Center na statyczny lub dynamiczny DHCP
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