[HC2/HCL] Association: Turn the lights on when someone enters the room


Do you always forget to turn off the light when you’re leaving the room? This is not a problem anymore! If you set the association between FIBARO Motion Sensor 2 and FIBARO Dimmer 2 (or another ligh controlling module), the room will be lightened only when somebody is inside.


  • PC or Mac,
  • FIBARO Home Center 2 or Home Center Lite,
  • FIBARO Motion Sensor,
  • FIBARO Dimmer 2, Switch 2, or another light controlling module.


After detecting motion the light will turn on for a duration of time specified in parameter 6 (30 seconds by default) of the Motion Sensor. If no futher detection occurs for this time, the light will turn off.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Log in to your Home Center through the web browser.
  2. Select Devices from the top menu and find your FIBARO Motion Sensor.
  3. Devices

  4. Go to the device settings by clicking the icon klucz_grey_kolko
  5. Motion-Sensor

  6. Go to Advanced tab, find Associations section and click Setting Association button.
  7. Setting-Association

  8. Find 2nd Association Group (assigned to the motion sensor – sends motion detection and cancellation frames to the associated devices) and click it.
  9. Motion-2nd-group

  10. Find Dimmer 2 on the list and tick it in the S column.
  11. Motion-2nd-group2

  12. Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
  13. Save2

  14. Press the B-button to wake up your Motion Sensor and send new configuration.



  • If you don’t know which group is assigned to which function read more about it in User ManualAssociations.
  • After some time without any movement in the room the light will be turned off. Go to Advanced Parameters to set the time after which the motion alert will be cancelled.
  • Most Z-wave devices allows for controlling 5 regular and 5 multichannel devices per an association group. It is not recommended to associate more than 10 devices in general, as the response time to control commands depends on the number of associated devices. In extreme cases, system response may be delayed.


March 23, 2017   17693    Use Cases    
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